The Intersubjective Reality we Created

2 min readMay 15, 2020

Picture an apple, you have a clear image of what an apple looks like. However, the question is the apple REAL?

Intersubjective reality. Intersubjectivity is the psychological relation between people. This generally refers to something that is shared between two minds. It’s a reality simply created by us humans. If you didn’t know that an apple is an apple, what would you call it? You would call it whatever feeling the object coveys to you. The color red for example. The color red has been established as danger throughout generations, but what if you never knew that red is you might get a completely different feeling altogether.

We live in an intersubjective world. Countries, boundaries, objects, religion, money, and companies are all man-made concepts. The only reason humanity is separated from animals is that humans have the ability to believe in intersubjective constructs. These constructs however, only exist in the human mind and are given power through collective belief. Money has value only because in the mindset of humans it is something that gives you what you desire.

This desire is what gives humans purpose. The purpose of intersubjective constructs is simply to create some form of meaning and measurements in our life. Us, humans couldn’t live with the satisfaction that our life has no meaning whatsoever. So we create purpose. We create happiness, an intersubjective feeling. We create love, a mutual feeling between two people to care and display passion. We create imagination. So the human population can further explore the vast ability to create a reality that simply doesn’t exist.

Now, what I’m saying is might not be real…or rather, how do you know that everything I’ve spoken about isn’t intersubjective? I’m human too after all.

